Thursday 8 May 2014

Promo Pictures - Legacy Day Cerise.

Lots of lovely promo pictures for you to see, let's have a look at how the promo doll compares to the boxed doll...

We still don't know if we will get a brown or a grey hood... The promo pictures show the original brown hood, but the boxed doll pictures have grey hoods.

The promo doll's face looks VERY different from the boxed doll.

Here is a new promo photo of the boxed doll... The promo photos aren't very consistent. Here's why:

The promo doll is not pictures wearing the hair clip.

The belt is fitted so the join on the dress isn't noticeable, unfortunately this isn't the case on the boxed doll.

Promo doll wears tights/stockings while the boxed doll wears leggings!

The promo doll is very pretty though, I just wish it was an actual representation as to what we were going to buy.

I guess we'll have to wait and see...

I got my photos from these guys:
Thanks for sharing <3