Tuesday 25 February 2014

I'm Ash and I'm a Cerise Hood collector.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Ash and she loved Monster High dolls, Venus McFlytrap in particular. But while she loved Monster High a new series of dolls were released - Ever After High.
At first, though they were beautiful, none of these dolls particularly grabbed Ash's attention...

But then came Cerise. And so the story unfolds...

When I was small(er) I LOVED the story of Little Red Riding Hood, it was my all-time favourite fairy tale. I can remember even dressing up as Little Red in nursery for a fancy dress party! My mum made loads of realistic looking salt dough treats for me to fill my basket with, it was amazing until I got home and my dumbass friends thought they were real and tried to eat them.

I literally bought my first Cerise doll today. It took me this long because I was unsure how Ever After High was gonna do after Monster High and I wanted to make sure I could actually COLLECT Cerise dolls rather than just have the one doll of her.

So I dunno much about Ever After High, I've not watched the web episodes or anything (yet) so feel free to correct me on anything that might be wrong. The one thing I do know is that Cerise is the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, which I thought was pretty damn cool.

Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of drama about it online because 'she is a product of bestiality'.
Erm ok... So let's explore this.
1 - Yes, bestiality is illegal in most places and I am against it. BUT...
2 - This is a STORY. It is MADE UP. 
3 - Bestiality is wrong because the animal in question cannot legally give consent (I have a degree in Sexual Health and I love to flaunt it!) I'm guessing that because the Big Bad Wolf had the brains to come up with a cunning plan to eat Little Red and could TALK, he happily gave his consent to have sex with her rather than eat her.
4 - I'm not going to go any deeper into it than that because this is a blog about Cerise, not about animal rights and I will carry on forever if I don't stop myself.

Anyway I'm guessing he's some werewolf or something judging by this family photo... I'll have to watch it.


She's a total babe as it is but oh my gosh look at those cute little ears!! Her father's identity is her biggest secret and as she has his (cuuuuute little) ears it is even more of a reason for her to keep her hood up!

She has also been given a more snout-like nose which is more noticeable in the doll version of her and is lovely in comparison to the over-used button noses many, many other dolls seem to have. Another really cute feature I saw today was her tiny, tiny, pointy fingernails! They are adorable and also add to her wolf-like charm! I'm sure some of the Monster High characters have similar hand but I wouldn't properly know as I'm only used to Venus... I'm sure Clawdeen must have!

Cerise is one of the taller dolls in the series which is weird for me because I'm usually drawn to smaller, cuter things, but what can I say? I think she's awesome.

I honestly can't wait to see where Ever After High goes next. I know there is a new Cerise doll (Legacy Day!) coming out (hopefully) soon and I will make a post on it ASAP but I'm really looking forward to what else they're gonna do with these fairy tale characters. I'm really hoping they do a 'Getting Fairest' version of Cerise just because I think PJ dollies are so cute!

So, yay, Cerise :) I'm so happy about this doll and I just can't wait to buy more of her :D

I got my pictures from these guys:
Thank you for sharing <3

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