Thursday 3 April 2014

Cerise's Dad - Mystery Revealed!

I've been meaning to post this for a few days now, so I'm sorry if this is old news :P

So we all know by now that Cerise's Dad is the Big Bad Wolf (AKA Mr. Badwolf in the books) and as we've seen from the webisodes he looks more human than wolf...

And from my first post in this blog you know my view on the whole bestiality debate. SO HERE'S THE REAL DEAL FOLKS.

I've read 'Ever After High - The Unfairest of Them All' (by Shannon Hale) and...


"The Wolfs are wolves," Cerise explained. "But many, like my dad, can transform between wolf and human form."

So there you have it. NOT BESTIALITY, perfectly legal sex.

And if you haven't read these books then you should. There's an AWESOME couple of chapters in 'The Unfairest of Them All' that are all about Cerise and her family :)

I got my picture from these guys:
Thanks for sharing <3

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