Monday 12 January 2015

Spring Unsprung - December 2014

JUST before Christmas the Spring Unsprung line was released, but I had to wait until after Christmas to order mine because I was broke!
Spring Unsprung will have a movie to go along with the set of dolls :D I'm really looking forward to it :)


We're starting to see a new style of box that I think is very cute but it's unfortunate that they look less like books now. I do, however, like the pale colour rather than the colour that fits the dolls' personality.

The back of the box shows a sketch by Lizzie Hearts of the dress that she has designed for cerise! Right up there by her head it says 'Little Red Sparkle Hood', awwww, so cute :D


Cerise wears dark red eye shadow and dark red lipstick. Very simple and VERY pretty.

I'm glad to see that the makeup on the doll itself doesn't differ too much from the makeup on the promo photos. Although the eye shadow may be shaped a little differently.

Introducing new colours into Cerise's fringe again! This time a streak or two of purple :)

Cerise has also styled her hair into a cute plait, careful to hide her ears under the hair ;)

Cerise wears a short black top/dress under a sparkly red top that her hood is attached to (that's where 'Little Red Sparkly Hood' comes in) :)

On top of this is a black and white gingham, short-sleeved coat with a berry pattern. I love this coat but a few people say it makes her look like Cruella De Ville?! Hahaha :P

I LOVE her leggings, they're white with a black, red and purple branch, berry and flower pattern on them. Darker at the top and lighter towards her ankles.

Her shoes are black, strappy boots with white flowers on them. They have so much potential, I'm disappointed by the lack of colour detail in them.


Sorry for the terrible picture here...

Cerise wears a garland of white flowers and red berries on her head.

She carries a brown, basket-style shoulder bag with a black strap and black flower detail. Again, I wish they'd detailed this out a little more because it kinda looks like a black mess :/

As well as a bookmark and a silver, key-shaped hairbrush, the Spring Unsprung Cerise doll comes with a human-sized ring in the shape of a silver branch of flowers and berries. It's super cute, but I keep all my dolls in their boxes :)

She also wears silver earrings and bracelets.

I Like:
The makeup
The hairstyle
The outfit
The ring

I Dislike:
The garland on her head (just a bit too bulky)
The purple streak (I know it goes with the detail on her leggings, but it just seems a bit out of place)
The lack of detail on her boots and bag

So there you have Spring Unsprung Cerise!
There will be a new Cerise on her way soon from the Enchanted Picnic range :D So keep your eyes peeled!

Promo pics thanks to and

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Cerise Wolf - SDCC Exclusive - July 2014

Back in April my hear absolutely shattered when I found out that the SDCC Ever After High exclusive was going to be Cerise, not as Cerise Hood, but as if she had followed in her father's footsteps rather than her mother's - Cerise Wolf.
Please read 'The Day My Heart Broke' from June.

The reason my heart broke was not only because as a Cerise collector I HAD to have her, but because back in March I pretty much predicted this doll.
Please read 'Cerise Hood / Cerise Wolf' from March.

Being British it was going to be near impossible to get to SDCC and buy myself a doll and so I just sat at home, miserable, hoping that I wasn't gonna get scammed on Ebay in the next few months.

But then!!

An acquaintance of mine who runs 'Ever After High Dolls' on Facebook kindly sold his to me and I have just received her today!!

And so I apologise that this review is near enough four months late, but I can't wait to show her off, so here she is:


This beauty is heavily guarded in an outer box which looks deliciously like a tree trunk carved with the EAH logo. As this is the FIRST EVER Ever After High exclusive, might we see a theme in upcoming special releases?

All the EAH boxes are shaped like books, but this one puts the icing on the cake. It has a dark red leather look to it with a worn gold print. There's also a clasp and an Ever After High locket on there to keep Cerise safe ;) The focus point of the box is of course the (very scary looking) wolf painting.

You open the box as if it were an actual book...

At this point I was crying with happiness...
On the left hand side there's a lovely story about Cerise (and possibly the plot for the Cerise Wolf webisode!) and on the right is Cerise Wolf in all her glory. Isn't she wonderful?

The trees aren't only painted in the background, but there are two cardboard cut-outs which give the image a lot of depth. It's magical <3 I was mesmerised.

And just before we go on to look at the doll, here is the back of the box. The box is certainly big enough for a gorgeous full-body picture of Miss Wolf which, in my opinion, is one of the best EAH artworks we've had so far!


I'm going to kick-start with the face.

Cerise's eyes are now yellow, similar to the yellow eyes she usually gets in the webisodes when provoked or startled. This is a massive point of her wolf-like features. Her eyebrows are thicker now but ever so slightly lighter. And now she has fangs! Aww, she's so cute :)

She's chosen a medium to light purple for her eye shadow and she has grey makeup on her cheeks which gives me the impression of war paint. Her lips are a delicate dusky rose colour that really brings out the whiteness of her teeth.

And her hair has also flipped the script! It is now white with brown streaks and is hip-length.

On to her outfit! At the very tip top of her head, Cerise wears a wolf's head. Because she's the daughter of the Big Bad Wolf I would hate to think that she's just severed a family member's head and decided to wear it and instead I'm gonna say that it's armour ;)

The wolf head is made from plastic but is hand-painted to give it an ornate look.


The hood that Cerise and her mother are so famous for is still red even when she's following her father's pawsteps. Her cloak is made from a lovely red velvet and is so long that is would surely trail on the floor! The trim of her hood is a delicate brown fur, almost like the hood on Legacy Day Cerise, but this time it edges the full length of the cloak.

Cerise wears a golden neck piece in the shape of branches and vines. Her top is red with a black lace overlay, detailed with the same pattern. She wears a golden belt around her waist and on the other side there is the locket with her family's photo inside :) The bottom of her top has a black trim that could either be ragged or also shaped like vines and branches, but this trim turns into a long back, decorated with the same pattern, which is another addition to the long, flowing cloak (as pictured below).

Her trousers are red and black gingham, quite tight, but still rooms enough to race through the woods in ;)

Cerise's boots are simply stunning, just look at all of those little details! There are three clasps (one decorated with a golden lock) and laces on each boot and they are decorated with an ornate filigree to match the black on her top. Her boots are brown and black and are hand-painted. She supports a wedged platform on these boots that is possibly a little more practical than just a heel :P The boots reach just below her knees. They give me an impression of a steampunk style :)

Cerise wears brown leather gloves (painted onto her hands), the cuffs of which reach right up to her elbow and are decorated with clasps.


Cerise comes with a stand and a hairbrush and also a lovely fur clutch bag, detailed with leather straps and a gold clasp.

I like:
Everything. Mostly how she's mine ;) And mainly:
The hood and cloak.
The boots.
The Hair.

I dislike:
The lack of wolf ears still.

I'm so happy to own my very own Cerise Wolf doll and if you also have her and you're from the UK, please comment! I'd love to know who else loves her enough to spend extra on her <3 I can't wait to display her with all my other Cerise dolls :)

I took all these photos myself. You may use them if you link back to my blog :)

Friday 24 October 2014

Future Cerise - Spring Unsprung.

This picture is all over the webosphere right now and we are lead to believe that these are the accompanying dolls to Lizzie Hearts in her Spring Unsprung line :)

Here we have Cerise, Briar, Cedar and Holly :) We are hoping to see these dolls arrive early 2015!

At first I wondered why Cerise looked so different to normal, and then I realised... She isn't wearing her hood!! I'm unsure if that red thing by her head is a hood or if it's a large collar...

All the dolls are wearing flowers in their hair as part of the Spring Unsprung look. This time Cerise's streak in her hair is PURPLE! Before now, the most Cerise's hair had changed was the colour of the streak or the direction of her fringe, but now she's wearing what looks like a pretty plait.

There's also a distinct lack of red in her outfit, red is used only to accent the hood/collar and the inside of the coat. I love the black and white :D

I dunno if those are tights or trousers or what, but I love whet she's wearing on her legs <3

I'm really happy about the new line and I look forward to getting her :D Still keeping my fingers crossed for a Thronecoming Cerise and a Getting Fairest Cerise though :D

I got my picture from Instagram

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Rumor or Reveal? - Thronecoming Cerise Hood

I wonder how many of you have seen the Thronecoming trailer?

As usual, I was late to the party, but forget that, I've got some lovely screengrabs to show you!

Fans are keeping their fingers crossed for a Thronecoming release of Cerise Hood after seeing the above video!
Cerise seems to be wearing a red gingham high-low dress with a hood. The design of the dress looks very similar to her Legacy Day dress but I really hope that if this doll is made Mattel do a better job of it, because I really disliked the Legacy Day gown.
I love the lace (?) petticoat and her long brown gloves and I'm hexcited to know what her shoes look like :P
Her mask looks very similar to Blondie's in shape but I would bet my collection that it's a wolf-shaped mask :P

We see her dancing with Daring Charming, who fans have guessed she has a thing for as he is the 'leader of the pack'. Mixed feelings about this from fans as many (including myself) don't ship these two. But, hey, when you're at a dance, you dance with everyone... right?
Dunno how many of you noticed this but Cerise has certainly caught Hopper Croakington II's eye too! Take your pick, Cerise :P
I'm SO hoping that Cerise gets a Thronecoming doll because, well, Cerise. But from what I've seen she looks beautiful.
Also fingers crossed for Maddie, Ashlynn, Hunter, Holly and Poppy Thronecoming dolls as they all look amazing on the trailer too :D 

Sunday 10 August 2014

Legacy Day Line - August 2014

The Legacy Day line is FINALLY available in the UK! I've been waiting to get my hands on this doll since forever! This is my third Cerise doll and I've been looking forward to reviewing her :)

Back of the box gives a lowdown on Legacy Day :) Not as imaginative as the back of the Hat-Tastic box, but I love that full-body Cerise artwork right there :)

The box art is pretty but they didn't give her red lips... :/ Still cute though :)


Hey guuurl. Cerise has made herself all elegant by sweeping her fringe to the side and styling her hair into a cute poof with a silver wolf clip. The rest of her hair is straight and is hidden behind her cape once again.

I'm not sure about her makeup though. The eyeshadow makes her look like a little animal... Maybe a raccoon? Just by how it's styled. And why brown? A smoky grey would have looked amazing in my opinion.

I like her red lipstick though :) It looks good on her :)

My favourite part of this ensemble is the fluffy hood <3 It's SO CUTE!! Promo pics showed it as being brown for a while. There's still brown in there but it's more grey, more wolf-like :) Her cape is now a long cloak and has the same branch pattern on it as the original cape. It has a silver wolf fastening on it under her chin.

Unfortunately I really don't like her dress :( I tried so hard to like it. All the other girls have amazing, big, detailed, pretty dresses and Cerise is stuck with this grey gingham, asymmetrical hi-low :/ The best bit about it is the lace pattern along the bottom :(

I also don't like her necklace, it just seems a bit too much. Although I do like her belt and her bracelets :)

In the promo picture she has tights on, but on the actual doll we are given these weird red leggings that I'm not a fan of :(

I like Cerise's boots though! I have some similar in denim :P They're a high-heeled peep-toe boot in black, decorated with black and silver chains. Very pretty :)


Every Legacy Day doll comes with their own Legacy Day book, a key to open it with and a hairbrush (shaped as a key, as always).

Cerise comes with a pretty little wicker bag :) I've been told it doesn't open though. Also not a fan of this, I would have chosen some thing smaller or a large clutch for something as special as Legacy Day.

I like:
The cape and hood
The shoes
Legacy Day accessories

I dislike:
The rest of the outfit :(
The bag
The makeup

Unfortunately this doll rates very low in my collection (I'd say on par with ClawVenus), when I first saw this line I thought Cerise would be doomed to have terrible clothes but Hat-Tastic made up for that :)

Excited to see where they go next!

Thursday 31 July 2014

Hat-Tastic Party Line - July 2014

I got my Hat-Tastic Party Cerise a couple of weeks ago and so I apologise for not putting pictures up of her yet! I was so HEXCITED for this doll :D

Box Detail:

From the picture above you can see that Mattel have kept the same basic style of box, with her name at the top and the book design. The watercolour look to the background is the same and the general layout is very similar. It's very aesthetically pleasing :)

The artwork on the side of the box is the similar, changed slightly to pose Cerise with her cup and they've obviously changed her clothes :) Lots of fans are saying they'd like to see a new look to the artwork but I have no idea why, I love how it looks :)

I love the back of the box too :D It's like a screenshot of a MyChapter page (their version of Myspace / Facebook) like an event invite :) It's so cute!


The reason most people liked this doll was her hair. She has a new red streak in it :D

Compared to the Basic doll, her face has changed and she looks  a lot prettier. Still no wolf ears though :/

I don't really like her eye makeup, I have no idea why she went for that peachy-pink eye-shadow, the grey would have been nice on its own. Her lips are a lovely red and we all know that suits her <3

Don't you just love this whole outfit? I know I do :D

Everyone who was invited to Maddie's Hat-Tastic Tea Party wore a hat! Cerise chose a cute brown mini-tophat (which I also have loads of, so I ADORE this choice!!) that appears to be made from leather and looks quite steampunk to me :D

Even though she has the little hat she has the pretty red hood :) This is attached to her pretty dress. Her dress is mostly red and has black puffy sleeves. She wears a black belt around her waist. The skirt of her dress is layered; the top layer is red with a check/tartan type print and the bottom layer is decorated with teacups and leaves.

She has knee-length fishnet socks and adorable black boots with red laces <3 Not sure about the socks but I love the boots :)


Cerise wears black, textured gloves and what look like black bracelets (although they could be part of the gloves). Her bag is so cute, a small purse with black detailing :)

Cerise's tea set looks like it's made of wicker! It's so cute :) She has a teapot and two teacups :)

I Like:
Her new hair
Her new face!
Her dress
Her boots

I Dislike:
Her eye makeup
Her socks
(But not loads, just less than everything else) :)

Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Day My Heart Broke - SDCC Exclusive CERISE WOLF

Earlier this week Cerise Wolf was confirmed as this year's Ever After High SDCC exclusive any my heart broke.

Especially since I predicted this doll a few months back :(

I'm looking for someone who would be willing to purchase the doll for me at the con (and I'll obviously pay them back!!) because I'm from the UK and it is impossible for me to even get there.


 I know not many people read my blogs, but if you are going and you feel you could help me out, I would be forever grateful!