Friday 24 October 2014

Future Cerise - Spring Unsprung.

This picture is all over the webosphere right now and we are lead to believe that these are the accompanying dolls to Lizzie Hearts in her Spring Unsprung line :)

Here we have Cerise, Briar, Cedar and Holly :) We are hoping to see these dolls arrive early 2015!

At first I wondered why Cerise looked so different to normal, and then I realised... She isn't wearing her hood!! I'm unsure if that red thing by her head is a hood or if it's a large collar...

All the dolls are wearing flowers in their hair as part of the Spring Unsprung look. This time Cerise's streak in her hair is PURPLE! Before now, the most Cerise's hair had changed was the colour of the streak or the direction of her fringe, but now she's wearing what looks like a pretty plait.

There's also a distinct lack of red in her outfit, red is used only to accent the hood/collar and the inside of the coat. I love the black and white :D

I dunno if those are tights or trousers or what, but I love whet she's wearing on her legs <3

I'm really happy about the new line and I look forward to getting her :D Still keeping my fingers crossed for a Thronecoming Cerise and a Getting Fairest Cerise though :D

I got my picture from Instagram

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