Tuesday 28 October 2014

Cerise Wolf - SDCC Exclusive - July 2014

Back in April my hear absolutely shattered when I found out that the SDCC Ever After High exclusive was going to be Cerise, not as Cerise Hood, but as if she had followed in her father's footsteps rather than her mother's - Cerise Wolf.
Please read 'The Day My Heart Broke' from June.

The reason my heart broke was not only because as a Cerise collector I HAD to have her, but because back in March I pretty much predicted this doll.
Please read 'Cerise Hood / Cerise Wolf' from March.

Being British it was going to be near impossible to get to SDCC and buy myself a doll and so I just sat at home, miserable, hoping that I wasn't gonna get scammed on Ebay in the next few months.

But then!!

An acquaintance of mine who runs 'Ever After High Dolls' on Facebook kindly sold his to me and I have just received her today!!

And so I apologise that this review is near enough four months late, but I can't wait to show her off, so here she is:


This beauty is heavily guarded in an outer box which looks deliciously like a tree trunk carved with the EAH logo. As this is the FIRST EVER Ever After High exclusive, might we see a theme in upcoming special releases?

All the EAH boxes are shaped like books, but this one puts the icing on the cake. It has a dark red leather look to it with a worn gold print. There's also a clasp and an Ever After High locket on there to keep Cerise safe ;) The focus point of the box is of course the (very scary looking) wolf painting.

You open the box as if it were an actual book...

At this point I was crying with happiness...
On the left hand side there's a lovely story about Cerise (and possibly the plot for the Cerise Wolf webisode!) and on the right is Cerise Wolf in all her glory. Isn't she wonderful?

The trees aren't only painted in the background, but there are two cardboard cut-outs which give the image a lot of depth. It's magical <3 I was mesmerised.

And just before we go on to look at the doll, here is the back of the box. The box is certainly big enough for a gorgeous full-body picture of Miss Wolf which, in my opinion, is one of the best EAH artworks we've had so far!


I'm going to kick-start with the face.

Cerise's eyes are now yellow, similar to the yellow eyes she usually gets in the webisodes when provoked or startled. This is a massive point of her wolf-like features. Her eyebrows are thicker now but ever so slightly lighter. And now she has fangs! Aww, she's so cute :)

She's chosen a medium to light purple for her eye shadow and she has grey makeup on her cheeks which gives me the impression of war paint. Her lips are a delicate dusky rose colour that really brings out the whiteness of her teeth.

And her hair has also flipped the script! It is now white with brown streaks and is hip-length.

On to her outfit! At the very tip top of her head, Cerise wears a wolf's head. Because she's the daughter of the Big Bad Wolf I would hate to think that she's just severed a family member's head and decided to wear it and instead I'm gonna say that it's armour ;)

The wolf head is made from plastic but is hand-painted to give it an ornate look.


The hood that Cerise and her mother are so famous for is still red even when she's following her father's pawsteps. Her cloak is made from a lovely red velvet and is so long that is would surely trail on the floor! The trim of her hood is a delicate brown fur, almost like the hood on Legacy Day Cerise, but this time it edges the full length of the cloak.

Cerise wears a golden neck piece in the shape of branches and vines. Her top is red with a black lace overlay, detailed with the same pattern. She wears a golden belt around her waist and on the other side there is the locket with her family's photo inside :) The bottom of her top has a black trim that could either be ragged or also shaped like vines and branches, but this trim turns into a long back, decorated with the same pattern, which is another addition to the long, flowing cloak (as pictured below).

Her trousers are red and black gingham, quite tight, but still rooms enough to race through the woods in ;)

Cerise's boots are simply stunning, just look at all of those little details! There are three clasps (one decorated with a golden lock) and laces on each boot and they are decorated with an ornate filigree to match the black on her top. Her boots are brown and black and are hand-painted. She supports a wedged platform on these boots that is possibly a little more practical than just a heel :P The boots reach just below her knees. They give me an impression of a steampunk style :)

Cerise wears brown leather gloves (painted onto her hands), the cuffs of which reach right up to her elbow and are decorated with clasps.


Cerise comes with a stand and a hairbrush and also a lovely fur clutch bag, detailed with leather straps and a gold clasp.

I like:
Everything. Mostly how she's mine ;) And mainly:
The hood and cloak.
The boots.
The Hair.

I dislike:
The lack of wolf ears still.

I'm so happy to own my very own Cerise Wolf doll and if you also have her and you're from the UK, please comment! I'd love to know who else loves her enough to spend extra on her <3 I can't wait to display her with all my other Cerise dolls :)

I took all these photos myself. You may use them if you link back to my blog :)

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